NOVAtime Service and Support

Our goal is to get you up and running and realizing a positive ROI as quickly as possible.

So when you subscribe to NOVAtime SaaS Time and Attendance solutions, fixed fee setup and implementation is included as part of your contract.

And, since people’s paychecks are on the line, it’s important that the system runs as smoothly as possible and any hiccups are quickly addressed and resolved.

Therefore, you also receive ongoing unlimited online training and unlimited phone support as part of your subscription.

Onsite in-person training can be arranged for an additional charge.

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Our Commitment to Your Success


Fixed Implementation Cost

NOVAtime charges a low fixed cost for implementation, installation, training, and project management. This takes into accountall of your organization’s facilities, regardless of the number of locations. Additionally, the cost is not limited to a fixed set of services. In the event that NOVAtime has underestimated the effort involved in implementing your system, your organization will not be charged additional fees—NOVAtime will absorb the difference, providing the solution at a true fixed cost. The fixed price guarantees a project executed completely, on-time, on-budget, and to your organization’s satisfaction.



PeopleSense Time provides unlimited training today and in the future that will be tailored to your organization’s user requirements, shortening total implementation time through efficient best practices that reduce the time required to complete training. Additionally, web-based training eliminates the hassle and stress of having to schedule user training around off-site class availability, and staff members will benefit by being trained in a familiar environment, without the need for your organization to book reservations and make travel arrangements.


Dedicated Support Services

PeopleSense Time’s NOVAtime Support Programs are included in the Per Employee cost so you will no longer have to pay an annual support bill or receive a support charge each time you call for help. NOVAtime / PeopleSense Time offers outstanding support by technicians who care about their customers and maintain familiarity with customer accounts.


No Upgrade Fees

NOVAtime provides free upgrades and will provide upgrade implementation services at no cost as well. Whether it is a major release or a minor update, your organization will not be charged to keep up with the latest solution features.

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